Photographs from the film.

In this page you can view screenshots, backstage photos and other related material.

Should you possess any photos or other material related to the film and you feel like sharing it with us, please contact us.


69 thumbnail akratitos thumb reader thumb reader 2 thumb map thumb postersticker thumb postersticker 2 thumb
loverman 2 thumb chosen one thumb loverman thumb kanelos the dog thumb guitar section thumb drummer thumb horn section thumb
ierofantissa 2 thumb ierofantissa thumb preacher thumb preacher 2 thumb the blob thumb lucas & the preacher thumb lucas and the bra thumb
Marva the Zombie thumb Comitee member thumb nostalgic thumb submerging menace thumb the rebel thumb rebel 2 thumb  

Backstage photos

dummy 1 thumb ummy 2 thumb dummy 3 thumb melancholy thumb

tongue thumb

filipp thumb

dummy 4 thumb backstage 2 thumb backstage 1 thumb adam thumb mates thumb    
backstage 3 thumb corpses thumb shooting 1 thumb shooting 2 thumb the Splatters thumb    

Photos from the premiere on 8th November 2004

premiere 1 thumb premiere 2 thumb premiere 3 thumb premiere 4 thumb premiere 5 thumb